Editing, Proofreading & Copywriter

„Make it simple. Make it memorable. Make it inviting to read.“
Leo Burnett, American Advertising Executive


As a certified language trainer and author for companies, I write and edit texts that express the strength of your brand. Your brand is unique. And your products and services should stand out from those of the competition - this is exactly what should be reflected in your company’s communication material!
Communicate! conveys your message in the language style specific to your company. The copy I write reflects your corporate culture with the right tone, the right style and the full spectrum of shades and colours that words can create.


Tel: +49 451 96911855
Mobile: +49 173 9124569
E-Mail: zorka@communicate-consulting.net


Communicate! UG & Co. KG
English Language Consulting

Kleinensee 12
23569 Lübeck

Social Media

Design, implementation & hosting by eventomaxx ͐ ͐.
The internet & web agency in Lübeck.